Guitar Reading 2

Guitar Reading 2

More rhythms, extensive chords, position drills, scales, symbols and terms, and real world-charts.

Guitar Reading 2 continues the training process from book 1, covering more rhythms (including syncopated rhythms); extensive chords, position drills, scales, symbols and terms, and introduces real world-charts and repertoire in each chapter.

From the Course Designer:

The majority of the material found in the entire Guitar Technique book series is intentionally created to be stylistically neutral and universal in nature. Although the books are presented in sequential order, this does in no way mean that the material presented in the first book will be exhausted once you start working on the second book. View the majority of the material presented in this book series as having long-term value, and you want to revisit all the concepts and approaches on a regular basis.

You will also discover that the material contains additional layers of depth which may be incomprehensible for you the first time you work through the book. Hopefully, most of the material presented will be a valuable companion on your continued journey towards becoming a complete musician, and you may find that certain topics, exercises or approaches may resonate with you to such a degree that these will become parts of your practice routines throughout your entire career.

-Stig Mathisen

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Page Count: 153 pages

Book Preview:




  • Kevin Ramessar
  • Stig Mathisen